Air Force veteran finds reflection of himself in adopted shelter dog

Air Force veteran finds reflection of himself in adopted shelter dog

Sometimes the deep connection between human and dog makes it seem like one is simply a reflection of the other. That is the case with Eric, an Air Force veteran from Carlsbad, California, and Drax, an adopted shelter dog.

When the pair met Drax was in search of a new home while in the care of a San Diego animal shelter. Eric was originally searching for a family pet and personal companion, but Drax has come to mean so much more to him and his young family. He fills the role of protector, compatriot, and best friend – all at once.

A military career marked by 9/11

Long before Drax entered his life, Eric served nine years in the U.S. Air Force as an intelligence operator. He has been stationed in Florida, Arizona, Hawaii, and Ohio across his career. After September 11, 2001 (9/11), he served with the augmented Security Forces. These specialists provide a range of protection for Air Force bases both at home and abroad.

Eric believes that 9/11 was a defining moment in his military career. After hearing about the first plane crashing into North Tower of the World Trade Center over the radio, Eric rushed to the operations center in time to witness the second plane flying into the South Tower.

“That moment solidified why I was serving my country,” he recalls. “It made me understand that there is always an adversity waiting to strike and it is up to the military to defend this country, regardless of the political games, the low pay, [or] the stress or toll it takes on their bodies.”

Air Force veteran finds reflection of himself in adopted shelter dog

Today Eric works as a federal bank examiner, where he focuses on fraud and information technology programs at financial institutions. Outside of work, he coaches his son Hendrix’s little league baseball team and plays chauffeur to his daughter Aurora, whom he refers to as “the social butterfly.”

“Putting on a new pair of eyeglasses”

When Eric saw an advertisement for Pets for Patriots at his local animal shelter, it felt like a sign.

“Since the military, I have not been big on crowds and get irritable quite easily.”

The veteran soon learned that the County of San Diego Department of Animal Services provides deeply discounted adoption fees for pets adopted through our partnership. He began looking for a dog to serve as both a family pet and personal companion.

When Eric first saw Drax’s picture there was something about his eyes that he could not get past. That connection deepened when the the Air Force veteran met the then three year-old Shepherd mix in person.

“I can only describe the ordeal as putting on a new pair of eyeglasses. Drax is like the canine version of me,” Eric says.

Luckily, everyone in Eric’s family agreed that Drax was the one – including his wife’s much smaller dog.

“The final test was my wife’s little Chihuahua,” Eric says. “They walked around and drank from the same dish as if they had been litter mates. That was it.”

Fate definitely played a role in bringing the Air Force veteran and Drax together. The dog with impossibly big ears was not yet available for public viewing due to his physical condition.

“Drax had been an underweight stray with severe skin problems, and infested with fleas and ticks,” Eric recalls. “He hadn’t even earned a spot in the public viewing enclosures at the animal shelter. I had only seen the picture of him and knew I had to meet him.”

The family brought home the big dog that day. Drax was officially part of the family.

Adopted shelter dog quietly stands watch

Since his adoption Drax has been Eric’s shadow and his family’s quiet protector. He is just the kind of canine companion Eric had been seeking. The big dog seems to recognize the importance of protecting and defending his own clan.

Air Force veteran finds reflection of himself in adopted shelter dog

“As cliché and ridiculous as it is to say, I do feel like he is saving not only me, but my family as well,” Eric says. “He always shadows me around the house, but still goes and checks on the rest of my family at least once an hour. It’s always fun to hear my wife or kids yell out because he sneaks up on them and nuzzles them with his cold nose.”

Drax has taken a particular liking to Eric’s son, Hendrix. The adopted shelter dog acts like his personal bodyguard, and looks after the young boy when he sleeps at night.

“He has found his place in our pack and it seems as if he has been with us since he was a puppy,” the Air Force veteran says. “He puts himself between my family and strangers, but remains open and friendly to meet new people. Once he’s sure the stranger is not a threat he starts acting like a puppy.”

A magical combination

Most of all, Eric has found a friend who seems to know him inside and out. When they are together much of their communication goes unspoken.

“I love the fact that I don’t need to speak to him, [and] he doesn’t need to bark at me. We just know each other and know immediately what the other needs.”

Air Force veteran finds reflection of himself in adopted shelter dog

Drax picks up on Eric’s moods and gives him kisses when Eric feels sad or irritable. He bounces around like a puppy when Eric is in a more playful mood. The Air Force veteran cannot imagine life without this majestic dog who, for reasons unknown, was neglected and abandoned.

“I cannot go anywhere with him now without someone commenting on how beautiful he is,” Eric shares. “The thing is, he’s always been beautiful, I just loved him enough so others could see it, too. Thank you again, Pets for Patriots, the impact Drax has made on my family and I is monumental.”

Eric would like to see more veterans find comfort with dog or cat, and save more animals who are homeless through no faults of their own.

“Many veterans are in search of companionship that humans can’t provide,” Eric says.

The Air Force veteran recognizes that there are many shelter pets who can provide that companionship – and who deserve a second chance at life.

“The combination is simply magical when the veteran meets the right friend,” he says. “Each gets a little piece of humanity back in their life.”


  1. Valerie Cintron-Perez

    So happy for Drax and Eric to have that amazing connection. Thank you Eric for your service to our Country. My husband is a Navy Veteran and we had our 1st Pets for Patriots dog Jazzy. She had cancer when we adopted her and we gave her 4 great years but she gave us so much more than I could explain. She taught us to enjoy the moments together. We lost her in October 2016. We now have our 2nd Pets for Patriots dog Abby who was with Jazzy at the shelter and was returned after Jazzy passed. We saw it as a sign. Abby is exactly what we need. She is bossy and energetic and comical. They just know what you need and they never disappoint. God Bless you and your family which of course includes Drax.

  2. Aplusmathematicstutorial

    Bobbie wilks, thanks a lot for the article post.Much thanks again. Fantastic.

  3. Christine E

    What a beautiful dog Drax is! So happy for the two of you and your family. A match made in heaven. Wishing you many happy years together.

  4. Alyson A.

    Thank you for your service. Drax looks like the perfect addition to your family. You are all so blessed to have each other.

  5. Kimberly

    Moving article. Drax is huge! To find emotional peace, understanding and protection in a four legged creature for this Air Force veteran and his family warms my heart. Cannot envision the experiences he has been through my protecting our country but this article is a testament that life can bring wonderful moments, given the right supports. Best wishes from Maryland

  6. DG

    Thank you for your service and for saving a shelter dog. Drax is very lucky and so are you and your family! Prayers for many wonderful years of love and companionship. Drax IS gorgeous!

  7. Mary Eaton

    Drax has made a lifelong commitment to this family. Another meant-to-be moment and match. Thank you for your story and words of encouragement to other service personnel in rescue adoption and Pets for Patriots for making it possible.

  8. Bobbie wilks

    I’m not a lover of dogs but this is really a touching article. The relationship between man and dog is amazing. I would never have given consideration to how looking into the eyes of an animal would let you know this is something I need in my life. The bonding with Eric’s family is also wonderful. I wish this episode well and hope it continues. My prayers to them all and hope it encourages others to reach out to these animals

    • bethz

      Glad that this story touched you even though you’re not a dog lover!

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