‘Hot dog’ rescues Navy veteran

Foy and General Sam

This story is from Foy, a Navy veteran and member Patriot living in Florida and his newly adopted 5-year old dog, Sam. This match was made through our partner, Lake City Humane Society.

Over the years, during my childhood life and being stationed in many places throughout the United States, Europe and the Middle East, I had the opportunity to adopt and raise several dogs and cats. Each one had a very special place in my heart and brought joy to our family. Now that my family is gone away from home, I started feeling alone. I thought about having a pet for two years after retiring from the United States Naval service. It was during my tour over in Iraq that I was attacked by some dogs and returned to Washington, DC to begin a series rabies shots. Even though being bitten by the dogs was ripping up my leg, it didn’t change the love that I have for animals.

“I had mentioned to several folks that I would love to have another dachshund to bring some life back into my life.”

Over a year ago, I fell down the stairs in my home, and broke my leg and foot. I was without help for over 45 minutes. I crawled to the neighbor’s home for assistance. I was beginning a new job in a new area and breaking my leg and foot put a damper on the home front. Since then, I had mentioned to several folks that I would love to have another dachshund (wiener dog) to bring some life back into my life. Later on, I was invited to attend a farewell luncheon of a nurse who knew me and, during the luncheon, she mentioned to another nurse who I’m fond of about me wanting a special doggie. As soon as I got back to the office, she stopped by and I was to phone the shelter. I did a phone application and was approved for Sam’s adoption on a Friday afternoon.

That night, I was so excited about getting Sam that I could hardly sleep. I lied in bed thinking and wondering if I would be able to handle and care for a pet again, with my disability in my leg and foot. I didn’t have any food for him and where would he be housed?

“…and out came Sam – wagging his tail and headed straight to the front door. It was like he was saying, ‘Let’s go home.'”

The next morning, I arrived at the shelter an hour early. Nervous about the adoption and wondering, would I be doing the right thing? A neighbor and friend went with me and we waited, and out came Sam – wagging his tail and headed straight to the front door. It was like he was saying, “Let’s go home.” At that point, everyone there saw my expression: “a huge SMILE” on my face, beaming ear to ear. We had an hour ride in my truck and he sat patiently, waiting to arrive at his new home.

After we got home, I took Sam for a walk around the neighborhood to conduct his personal business, marking territories prior to entering our new surroundings. Upon entering the house and just like a typical bloodhound, he had to sniff the entire house, both upstairs and downstairs.

Well, Sam still didn’t have any food or toys. So back into the truck and off to PETCO to do a little shopping spree. Although Sam and I didn’t buy out the store, we attracted lots of other pet lovers and a great staff on our visit.
Now into our third week of companionship and growing with each day, I decided to change Sam’s name. His new name is General Sam. All of my past dogs had a military rank named after a special officer whom I had admired throughout my service. General Sam loves the outdoors and hunting, therefore I long to take him on his first camping trip in the very near future. He’s been to the vet and spa and is feeling spoiled already. It’s like he’s been here forever.

I want to say THANK YOU to the following for bringing General Sam and I together:

Kathy and Claudette from work, Lake City Humane Society, Pets for Patriots, PETCO and my neighbor, Sharon.

P.S. I truly helps me to have companionship. I now look forward to going home each night after work and having General Sam greet me at the door.



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Because a shelter is not a home

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