From Jazzy with love: one senior dog and her will to survive

Down, but far from out

Jazzy is a senior dog with an inspiring tale to tell about the love that saved her, and her enduring will to survive despite a series of incredible misfortunes.

Were it not for the devotion of the Navy veteran and his wife who adopted her, Jazzy’s story might have been like too many other senior pets who find themselves in shelters through no fault of their own and never make it out alive.

Dave and Jazzy 12-24-15 (1)_720px

At the time of her adoption Jazzy was eight years old, beset with cancer and terrified. Dave and his wife Val were mourning the death of another beloved dog and sought comfort by volunteering at their local animal rescue. It is there that they met, fostered, fell in love with and ultimately adopted Jazzy through the rescue’s partnership with our charity – despite having learned that the senior dog had cancer.

Now at 11-ish years of age, Jazzy remains a very spirited senior dog. Her parents made a video of her remarkable recovery from one of her cancer surgeries; the love between Dave, Val and Jazzy is Kleenex-worthy.

Love to the rescue

We first introduced you to Jazzy to ask for help so that she might continue to live. This time, however, it was not cancer; it was a serious heart condition. Although incurable, with proper treatment the duration and quality of Jazzy’s life can be extended meaningfully.

Jazzy in stroller_720px

Dave and Val reached out to Pets for Patriots when Jazzy’s medical bills were beyond what the couple could manage. In turn we reached out to our community and watched the love – and the dollars – roll in. The appeal coincided with the holidays when many people are most inspired to give, and made it possible for us to fund what has now been several rounds of medication and lab tests.

The outpouring was not lost on Dave or Val, who never regretted adopting a senior dog with serious health problems.

“Thanks again for your support,” says Val, following a recent payment for Jazzy’s cardiac medication. “It is invaluable as we love Jazzy to pieces and we truly cherish every moment with our silly little girl.”

Jazzy Val and Dave Christmas 2015_720pxTo this day, every weekend the family visits one of their favorite restaurants with Jazzy in tow. Life rolls on.

From the kindness of strangers

In late 2015 Pets for Patriots launched a new veterinary fund to help pets adopted by veterans in our program who were in need of extraordinary life saving or life extending care. Jazzy was one of the first beneficiaries of donations – large and small – from people all over the country who were moved by her plight and inspired by Dave’s and Val’s extraordinary devotion to her.

While we cannot know how long Jazzy would have survived without the care she is now receiving, we do know this: she is alive today and likely would not be without the medical care she continues to receive. Still visiting her favorite restaurant every weekend. Still keeping Dave and Val company while they shop at their local Home Depot.

Dave and Jazzy at Tijuana Flats 2016_720px

It is the kindness and generosity of total strangers that gives comfort to Dave and Val, and renewed life to little Jazzy.

One day Jazzy will go where all dogs go; we hope that when her time comes she goes in peace. Until then Pets for Patriots will honor our commitment to defray the cost of her medications, lab tests and other medical care so that she can continue to be this Navy couple’s ‘silly little girl.’


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Because a shelter is not a home

Long-term shelter pets available for adoption