About military working dog adoptions

Robby’s Law opened the door to military working dog adoptions

Our post about Rocky, a retired, disabled military working dog who was saved by our appeal, exposed a lot of misconceptions about the fate of military working dogs once they are retired from service.

Many of these animals are eligible for adoption and are placed into appropriate and loving homes. Some are deemed not safe for adoption.

Until recently, it was legal and common practice to abandon or put down military working dogs, known as MWDs, at the end of their useful service.

Historically viewed as “surplus equipment,” MWDs were not seen as having value beyond the military purpose for which they were trained. That mindset has changed dramatically, due in no small part to the public’s growing awareness of how these animals were treated after years of dutiful service.

But it was one military war dog in particular – a dog named Robby – whose own fate changed that of other MWDs to come.

Robby’s Law (H.R.5314) was signed by President Bill Clinton in November 2000 and required that all MWDs suitable for adoption be available for placement after their service. Unfortunately it was too late to save Robby, whose former handler fought valiantly to adopt him, to no avail.

Working dogs versus family pets

It is important to realize that these animals are unlike those you might have in your home or find in your local shelter.

Not every retired MWD makes a great addition to the family. They are highly trained – often for lethal purposes – and traits that are desirable in a military canine might make them unsuitable as a family pet. While fiercely loyal, they are often independent-minded and have different triggers, or trained responses, to various verbal or physical commands.

In many cases these dogs are not recommended for families with small children or other pets. Some are deemed unsuitable for adoption for a variety of reasons, including extreme aggression.

Because of their unique temperaments and training, the military does not surrender de-commissioned military working dogs to shelters, rescues or sanctuaries for placement.

How to adopt a retired military working dog

All military working dog adoptions are managed through the 341st Training Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio. This is the home of the Department of Defense Military Working Dog Adoption Program.

Through a careful process of evaluation and selection, experienced military personnel place an estimated 300-400 “excessed” MWDs each year.

If a dog is still serviceable upon its disposition – or official retirement – from the military, he may be transitioned to work in civilian law enforcement. However, a dog who is no longer serviceable may be made available for adoption.

The order of priority typically is former military handlers, other military veterans, and then the general public.

Please do not contact us or comment in this post to ask about adopting a retired MWD. Pets for Patriots is not involved in MWD adoptions, nor is any other private organization or nonprofit. You must contact Joint Base San Antonio directly.

What happened to Rocky?

Many people were outraged at the prospect that Rocky would be put down: a 9-1/2 year old, disabled retired MWD and three tour Iraq war veteran. Most thought it callous that the military would simply end  his life after he had given his in service, but that is simply not the case.

Like many working canines, during his last few years of service Rocky had many different handlers. While the vast majority of war dogs are adopted by their handlers – more than 90% – Rocky no longer had a steady handler. He had no special bond with any one person.

Rocky was eligible to be adopted by other military personnel who might have wanted him.

However, the unique challenges of his disability meant that Rocky could not go to any home. He needed someone who had ample time and patience to care for him. Since no suitable adopter was found and the kennels on base are ill equipped to address disabled animals, the military felt it had no choice but to slate him for euthanasia.

By chance, Pets for Patriots was contacted by a concerned animal lover.

After verifying the story and basic facts we posted Rocky’s plight and – well, the rest is history. More than 50,000 hits to our post, a flood of applicants from all over the country, and Rocky was adopted.

We remain grateful to the veterinary team at Camp Pendleton who shared Rocky’s story and gave us the opportunity to save his life.


  1. John

    Hello, I am interested in adopting a service dog, i can travel and stay where the dog is for requirements, i’ve been looking for a few years but had family matters to help with. I’m now able to Finally adopt one, can you please call or email me. I will check back daily for any updates thank you Sgt.B*- Cavalry Scout

    • bethz

      John, thank you for your service. Pets for Patriots is not involved in service dog acquisition, training or funding. Please see our resources page for organizations that may be able to assist you: https://www.petsforpatriots.org/resources/

  2. Isak Wilkinson

    All right I am living in Idaho in the Boise area. I would like to find out if I could adopt a military dog and how I would go about doing this. I currently have a dog who was adopted from individuals who work for the Idaho Department of Corrections. He was fully trained but he had complications during his training and he was not accepted as a drug-sniffing dog. Therefore I adopted him from them and would like another animal or a service animal or whichever that doesn’t make the program or makes the program. I have given my dog currently at awesome life probably something he is never had before and I’ve worked with him time and time again to get him out of his shell sort of speak. He’s very shy but he protects very well which is awesome I think good quality and what I look for in a dog. I hate to say it like that but he really is more than just a dog to me he is my friend he is a a part of our family. I know when I go away from my house he protects the house 100% to the best of his abilities. So I don’t know exactly how to go about getting another dog like him but I saw some stories and was reading online about people who have gotten dogs from the military and I think that I could give one of these dogs a great home I don’t care if the dog is male or female just as long as they’ve had their shots and they’re not vicious but I don’t really care about the whole vicious part because I just don’t. I’m looking for another family friend if you could let me know how to go about doing that that would be great.

  3. Karen Rea DICKERSON

    I would like to adopt a training washout dog. Either sound frightened or not aggressive enough for war or three legs, etc. Or just dumb. The only request I have is that he/she doesn’t have PED or another genetic lifelong disease. Our last GSD had it (PED), and the enzymes only worked to a small degree. She got so skinny we had to put her down. In addition to killing her, it almost killed us. She was so young and wonderful. And I don’t really mean dumb. I mean house trainable. And doesn’t mind cats, and loves to eat yellow jackets. We have two acres, fenced, and another seven that only have barbed wire fencing. I would like her to be an indoor dog that forrays outdoors with us. We are retired but have 2 teenaged grandsons who live with us. So, lots of company. She can sleep in our bed, too. I’m sorry that I don’t want a senior dog but knowing we’d have to put her down in 2 years or so is too traumatic for me. Thank you, Karen Dickerson

  4. gary pfaff

    can war veterans adopt dogs by looking at dogs in person

  5. Anna

    I am working on a military focused FB page. Considering there are care packages sent to military personnel for the holiday’s, is there any groups or organizations that are sending packages to the MWD’s or is anyone offering gifts or assistance beyond the Joint base in San Antonio to help these pups that you know of?
    Thank you in advance!

    • bethz

      Hi Anna,

      We found a list of various organizations here. Good luck!

      Pets for Patriots

  6. Hilary

    Almost everyone of your hyperlinks above brings you to an “error page” or “page not found” site. Would really appreciate some up to date information and links on how to adopt prior service MWD, please.

    • bethz

      Hilary, we’re a small organization with limited opportunities to update old posts, but did our best to update this one with current links.

  7. Arlene

    I am a veteran of the Army. A year ago, I had to let my 15 year old dog go due to a heart problem. I want/need a dog to be whole again. While in the Army, I had adopted a military malinois who did not make the grade – but he was the best member of my family ever. Any chance you have a program area in Albuquerque, New Mexico, area? If so, how can I contact? Thank you for a response.

    • bethz

      Hi Arlene,

      Thank you for your service.

      Pets for Patriots is not involved in military working dog adoptions, nor is any other private organization. You must contact JB Lackland-San Antonio and their MWD program directly.

      Pets for Patriots

  8. bethz

    Randy, we do see that you reached out to Pets for Patriots to adopt a companion pet, but that you don’t live within any of our program areas.

  9. Randy Burns Durney

    Reading Floyd’s communication with Pets for Patriots is not surprising. I am also a 100 percent service connected Vet that reached out to them and got the same type of pathetic response. I am NOT wheel chair bound or bed ridden. Just wanted a “companion” as they so word it.
    This dog would not be just a “companion” it would be family. I also tried twitter and got completely ignored there also. So I also am trying other avenues.
    So good luck to everyone trying to adopt one of these amazing dogs. If any info on a way to actually adopt one and not a place just blowing smoke to get donations please contact me.

  10. juan jackson

    I wand to adopted a military vet dog. Im a Army vet to now truck driver. I wand to have one smart comation in trips with me any infor were can i get one call me9043023564 or email me jackson042475@gmail.com or jackson042475@ yahoo.com thank you.

  11. Erny kuncl

    Erny Kuncl, ret emeritus, US NPS, ( a “Danger Ranger” from the “alphabet agency” both somewhat ‘fictional-factional’ like author M. Connelly’s Hieronymus “Harry” Bosch LAPD Hollywood Precinct homicide detective (when I read these I am Harry Bosch, agencies and titles to protect us from cartel people here in US, ‘go get’ em Trump and Petrous’ DARPA $, TS status expired was a ‘Top Secret, Sensitive , Compartmentalized’ status after years of “Q” “1A AAA” status as I was nuclear 1962-66 ) and weork for 5 yrs with Manis LLC (all ret FBI and Cof Police etc out of Idaho with one Medal of Honor awardee in the team and another who arrested Teddy Kosinski” Unabomber”. Central &South America anti-cartel, mil-civ counter drugs effort with many success stories about+with dogs. 5 spec Act awards, Canada minted a coin in our honor, 1st Spec Forces, Operation North Star, Operation Alliance, and many others and many civilian ops, ( southern border, DeConcini wrote a Congressional Letter of Commendation for action in a rescue [ using an OD58 to squeeze into ‘Danger Close ‘ within less then 8″ of rotor blade diameter/radius of blades against a wall places in GRCA ) also many ops ( again counter drug against military hospital personnel ) at/near Fort Huachuca, AZ STRACOM (1966-1970) – worked 44 yrs to ret. in EMS, SAR, Fire, and complicated-complex LE efforts and a medic and = to an O5 {Lt Col} based on fragmentary ret pay, only get 1/3rd of SSN money due to “fed annuity” = BS = typical gov’t, no answer answer!) lost R lower lobe and bladder. My partner died of the gases we inhaled let loose by the F*^#@*&* cartel(s) in G theater of ops + the Mexican army was hunting us and the Mayan people helped us out with an extraction by another countries Embraer 135, an old war bird, rusting out, but like an A-10 the engines are high up on the tail and it’s a well suited bird for dirt and jungle “runways”.

    I have what I believe is a disposed of surplus property dog lab/Pointer mix who is pure scent searching and I would love to have some PATN and Semtex to test her, although she’s older now and totally out of training but is still an incredible COMPANION dog for my needs and she still has what I read as pointer IED scent doggie behavior. She ( and I ) are getting old and near the end of tour ( terminal 10-7 ) now and I need another to take care of my emotional needs.

    Oh yes, within minutes of 9-11 we had dogs en route to the Towers scene.. Even though they were cadaver trained they were so devastated by the prolific body parts etc. they could only work at the max about 10 days at 6 to 8 hrs a day, then they all had (trainers, handlers too) to do the extensive, extended beyond norm, 10 day CISD and psych trg to decompress. You can’t imagine what it is like to pick up a right hand severed at the {once with a watch still attached} wrist and put it in a plastic evidence bag, like shaking hands with someone who isn’t there!

    Keep screwing with the military. Write your congressperson and the AARP and the animal societies, let them have copies of this!.

    To have the original supposed office in charge talk/write to Ret DAV Officer Scoggins the way he did is not worthy of an JAG inquiry, it is worthy of a back alley interview! If that officer has had combat ( probably only by being in the geographic area ) and has a CIB awarded to him, it should be revoked!

  12. Allen Sibley

    I am a recently ets Us Marine ..I am fit and able to adopt one of my four leg brother s or sisters …I’m in Delaware but I can go were you need me ..please advise on how I submit a request ..
    302 358 8035
    Semper Fi
    Allen Sibley

  13. AUStin DAvies


  14. Sonny graves

    I am 63 yrs old. I have had 5 heart attacks but quite able to maintain a dog. Please send a friend request for contact on fb. I can really use a companion. My last dog lived to be 18. Looking forward to hear from you. My name frederick w. Graves. But I go by sonny


  15. Sonny graves

    I am 63 yrs old. I have had 5 heart attacks but quite able to maintain a dog. Please send a friend request for contact on fb. I can really use a companion. My last dog lived to be 18. Looking forward to hear from you. My name frederick w. Graves. But I go by sonny

  16. amanda

    We adopted 2 dogs while my husband was enlisted with the marine corps. We have strong feelings that our 1 dog was a military dog and has gone on deployments and her previous owner put her in the shelter. How can we find out if she is in fact a military dog?!

  17. Christina King

    I am trying to locate a K-9 Service dog that was removed from service work in Maryland- and has gone missing- named; “CHIP”

    Belgian Malinois Birth date 7/22/10

    Microchip: 939000010182294

    Tatoo # 2980 L ear

    If you know anything please contact me. at this email address or check out K9 CHIP on Facebook.

    Spread the word… let find CHIP.

  18. leanora luttrell

    Excellent comments ! I learned a lot from the details ! Does anyone know if my assistant might get access to a sample MWD Adoption Application document to fill out ?

  19. Kerri

    Hi – I was wondering if you could tell me how I can find the military records for a military working dog? My husband has recently been assigned a military working dog that has been adopted by the law enforcement agency he works for. We have been told very little about this dogs history. We would just like to know what type of service she did and what units she might have been assigned with and also if she did any tours overseas.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  20. sriram

    i wnat trained female german shepard dog

  21. David Corcoran

    In reference to obtaining and giving a war dog a proper home that is fenced in completely, has a K9 animal care centerwithin a mile of house, and a dog that really needs a loving home to care for and protect in exchange for all the loving he/she needs or wants, plus more than adequate exercise, food and water. I have been an owner of a couple of German Shepherds that went with me 24/7 up to and inluding on vacations where motels/hotels permitted them. Now that I have semi retired…..I have much care to give a war dog as far as retraining in my area to ensure the pup feels that he or she belongs there…I have worked with Military dogs in the past, and am most familiar with most of their idiosynchracies and demands, as I did serve during the Vietnam conflict, and was affiliated with governmental commands since that time. Mostly, these animal/people just want someone to share their life with and have a purpose…….I can be reached at 757-271-1235 anytime for conversation regarding a possible adoption in my area or close by.

  22. Chris

    Hi I am 12 years old and I want a dog that would protect me and may family but still be nice to me and my family and friend and protect us from strangers.?????

  23. metin

    Whatssap number +905324622361

    lion dogs I own the world’s best quality as powerful as my dog, this dog is very necessary that I learned of texas is an effective weapon against wild animals

  24. Andrew

    i would like some info on adopting a retired dog. i feel its a great tribute to those animals who served. i think it is a good thing these folks are doing.

  25. owlbynite

    What steps are being taken now to promote this great cause? I worked dogs shows, pet expos, adoptions, dog walks, major police K-9 shows and the like over ten years and never once saw this worthy cause promoted or advertised. One police dept. was selling the movie War Dogs as a fundraiser but that was it. So my question is, what can we do to help?

  26. Chris

    Can you help get Ben Grommet’s dog Matty back? Acording to Robbies law he should not have been seperated.

    Grommet, a specialist with the 101st Airborne based out of Fort Campbell, Ky., in the Army, is trying to find out who adopted his service dog, Matty. Grommet and Matty served together in Afghanistan before being separated last July after an improvised explosive device went off and injured them both.

    Grommet, 23, of De Soto, said he has always intended to adopt Matty when he returned home, but while he was recovering from combat injuries, the dog was adopted. Now Grommet said he’s just trying to find out where Matty is.

    “I just want to find the people who have him,” Grommet said. “I want to talk to them, see if they’d be willing to sell the dog and just try to get my dog back.”

    Grommet and Matty first met in 2012. Grommet went to dog-training school and was paired up with the German shepherd.

    The duo spent weeks training together before they were deployed to Afghanistan.

    “It was stressful,” Grommet said. “You’re out there every day searching for IEDs.”

    The two developed a bond in the high-pressure combat zone.

    “We were extremely close,” Grommet said. “He wasn’t just a dog, he was another brother.”

    Grommet said Matty was good at what he did.

    “That dog has saved my butt, along with everyone I’ve worked with butts, more than once,” he said.

    Last July Matty discovered an IED, but it was detonated before the duo could evacuate the area.

    “I got blown up inside of a truck,” Grommet said. “It sucked, but he was with me.”

    The explosion injured his back and sustained other injuries. He recently had a lengthy procedure to treat his back.

    “I just had neurosurgery on my back,” he said. “I collapsed two levels of discs and had severe central canal stenosis.”

    Matty was injured as well. Grommet said the dog blew out on his back rear knee — he tore the ACL, meniscus and had other issues.

    The injuries weren’t life threatening, but Matty was forced to retire as a service dog.

    When Matty and Grommet returned to the United States in July, Matty went to his kennels and Grommet returned home to Missouri.

    During deployment, Matty’s home kennel was switched to one in North Carolina. Brent Grommet said he was familiar with the adoption process at his old kennel, but the new one had some changes.

    “You always want to adopt your dog,” Brent Grommet said.

    After being injured, Grommet has been staying with his father Don Grommet in De Soto. The two began trying to adopt the dog.

    Don Grommet, who works for the ambulance district in St. Clair, first had to find Matty.

    After several months of searching, Matty was discovered at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. With Matty located, Don said he began the adoption process.

    “I filed all the paperwork I was told I needed to file,” Brent Grommet said.

    The Grommets began checking in weekly to find out the status of the adoption. In February the Grommets were told Matty was in surgery to repair his knee.

    When Brent Grommet got out of his surgery on March 27, however, he found out that Matty had been adopted by a civilian.

    “I haven’t seen the kid cry until the day they told him they adopted his dog out,” Don Grommet said. “He was pretty upset about it.”

    Grommet said he’s been stuck in a Freedom of Information Act loop while trying to gather information about who adopted Matty. He said he can’t get a straight answer.

    “Basically I’ve been lost in FOIA request forms,” Grommet said. “I haven’t gotten any information back. Anything.”

    Brent Grommet said anyone with any information about how to find Matty’s new owners can call him at 314-620-1970.

  27. Vern Larson

    I forgot to say that since 1954 I have had a large size dog in my care, wiemarners. I use to hunt a lot but now cannot take the long bush walking. I would appreciate and answer and information. Vern

    • Dave Gontz

      I have just had the displeasure of reading an article on my local news paper’s website about MWD’s by the syndicated columnist Jonah Goldberg. See the link below:


      I have never served but have been actively involved with dogs (showing/breeder) for the last thirty-four years so I believe I understand the bond between handler and dog. Words just fail me on Goldberg’s article and It is my sincere hope that someone will step up and educate him on H.R.5314 (Robby’s Law). He really should have done his homework.

  28. Monica McLaughlin

    The article says that about 300 dogs are adopted out each year. How many are killed by the military each year — those not deemed suitable for adoption?

    • Jake

      None, unless a vet determines the dog needs to be euthanized they have to, like any other animal! But is a federal crime to euthanized MWD’s simply due to them being NPQ from full duty- since 1954.


    I am a devoted GERMAN SHEPHERD owner……I saw this program on FOX news and am looking for a dog…..would so LOVE to give these 4 legged warriors a comfortable forever retirement home…..I am having problems with the application…it comes up on the screen but it will not let me fill it out…..I am an RN and can give a dog love and whatever medical needs he has,,,,THEY DESERVE IT!….I was very releaved to hear that they are NEVER killed…please give me some advice on filling out this app so I can get on the list….PLEASE:)

    • Debbie

      Just so you and others know, this is not the official website for adopting a MWD. If you wish to adopt an actual Military Working Dog, they have supplied the link to the 37th Training Wing at Joint Base San Antonio at Lackland above.

      There is a separate application and process you must go through for a MWD.

      While this is also a great, worth while adoption service, it is not for one of the many hero’s needing a forever home.

      • Jake

        There are over 500 applications for 12 MWD and 90% go to former handlers and if they can perform a police or search and rescue tasks they go to them. I’d be interested to know how many vets that are not handlers or K9 officers actually get a dog.

  30. Floyd Scoggins

    I am a 100% service connected disabled vet. And I want to adopt a dog. I live on a ranch in wynnewood Oklahoma ,I am 63 yr old kids are all grown, I am willing to come to you and stay as long as it takes to find the right dog ,that will except me ,and is willing to bond with me . I have owned trained attack/ guard dogs before. I had two dobermans,two German shepards , and a red healer over the years,thay have all passed away. My wife has a Yorkey that belonged to my late mother. Yes I know and understand the high levale of responsibility that comes with haveing a well trained service dog and I would be willing and honored to take on that responsibility . You may call me at 405 514 4324 anytime thank you Floyd scoggins retired DAV us army 1972 to 1993

    • Pets for Patriots

      Floyd, we currently don’t have a program near you and in any case Pets for Patriots does not provide service dogs. We focus exclusively on companion dogs and cats for adoption by service and veteran members of the U.S. military.

      • Chalise

        Pets for Patriots,

        I see no where in Floyd’s message where he states he wants or needs a service dog. I do see that he’s had extensiveexperience in training and ownership of breeds that require time, knowledge of dogs, and commitment. I also see that he stated he would go to YOU and stay as long as necessary to find the right dog. It’s bothersome to me that your response was so dismissive when clearly there’s a perfect opportunity to create a perfect match between a human and canine veteran. Show this man the respect he deserves and contact him.

        Chalise F.

        • Karon Hudson

          What a nasty response to someone who is a vet looking for a dog. I see no mention of him wanting a service dog but he is willing to go to you for training. To be so dismissive of this Veteran is an INSULT. You call yourself Pets for Patriots but fail to understand your response to Floyd who is looking for a companion animal. I have to say that you would be the last place I would refer any vet who is looking for a pet! You owe Mr. Scoggins an apology and a referral to an organization that can help him find a companion dog. To Mr. Scoggins, Thank you Sir for your service.

        • Diane (Policandriotes) Goldsmith

          I agree with this gentleman. The man want to give a Vet a home and want to care and love a dog that will match up to him. You need to think about caring home for a Vet dog. One thing his wife has a dog and the Vet dog needs to be able to accept him. Even though his children are grown up, he will have grandchildren and the Vet dog needs to be able to accept what babies and little children can put the Vet Dog through. Hope things work out for this gentleman and for a Veteran Dog. God be with him and all the Veteran Dogs.

      • Christine Curry

        I agree with Chalise. Your response was very dismissive and poorly represents your mission and great cause. He clearly states that he is qualified to adopt a MWD or any other dog.

        I want to add that you also commented that “We focus exclusively on companion dogs and cats for adoption by service and veteran members of the U.S. military.” I repeat …”adoption by service and veteran members of the U.S. military” Floyd CLEARLY stated that he is a Disable American Veteran (DAV) U.S. ARMY 1972 to 1993.

        My husband and I both are military war veterans and I have just started looking into possibly adoptioning a MWD and after reading this post, I will see if I can find another avenue to approach this with.

      • Christine Curry

        Also, Do not confuse or discriminate 100% service connected disabled with being in a wheel chair. Do not confuse Floyd’s desire to want a dog with your mis-interpretation of his need for a dog. This is not necessarily the case.

        It just means that no matter what the financial circumstance are you will always recieve a disability check. As a veteran, that is how I took Floyds opening statement. He was just trying to convey that he has the means, knowlege and enviroment (grown kids) to care for an adopted dog.

    • Big Mike

      To Floyd Scroggins:

      For information on how to adopt a retired military working dog, please visit the website http://www.militaryworkingdogadoptions.com. You will find instructions and the phone numbers of the kennel masters at the bases all across the country where the dogs are stationed. You can call them yourself, and ask to be put on their waiting lists. Write all of these calls in a notebook, each kennelmaster on a separate page. Then call them back once per month to stay in touch. Start with the bases closest to you and work outward, anywhere you would be willing to drive or fly to go pick up your dog. There is no charge to adopt a retired military working dog, but you have to pay for all the costs of getting and caring for the dog.

      • Janet

        Unfortunately the website in Big Mike’s post has been disabled. I was looking for such a site, as we received an application for a Malinois from a former K9 handler. While I would LOVE to find the right rescue mal for him, what I would really like to do is help him find his partner whom we believe has been retired. If he could adopt her, that would be the best thing in the world.

      • Ruby Benavidez

        I am interested, no I want to adopt a MWD and give him or her a loving forever home. (361) 510-2543. I am an animal lover.

  31. Vern Larson

    I am 81 yrs old and lost my dog Nov. 2011. The yearning for a dog who has been trained would make it easier for me. We have a nice home and would be interested in what it all entails to adopt a dog that would probably not have too many years to go also.

    Thank you, Vern

  32. AbbyWrites

    Thanks to a report (in November) in The New York Post about Brent Grommett and the “military theft” of Matty, his service dog, a reunion occurred. The two are together again. Brent filled out the adoption papers (according to the Pres. Clinton enacted “Robbie’s Law”), then Matty was taken by a superior officer to supposedly be medically cleared for the adoption. Instead Matty was either sold or adopted out. Brent was blockaded in his every attempt to find his beloved service dog. After the newspaper article appeared, he was even warned (by the military) to stop speaking to the press. Thankfully, a non-military source contacted the family and informed them on Matty’s location. All the military officials who had a hand in this theft should have karma bite them in the a**. I’m so glad that Matty is where he belongs. And rats to all those military creeps. May those responsible actually come to need a service dog and never ever ever get one.


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  5. Marine Corps Looking To Find Adoptive Homes For War Dogs – KPBS | great pets mart - […] to the nonprofit group Pets for Patriots, all military working dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense…
  6. Marine Corps Looking To Find Adoptive Homes For War Dogs – KPBS | Pets Health Market - […] to the nonprofit group Pets for Patriots, all military working dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense…
  7. Marine Corps Looking To Find Adoptive Homes For War Dogs – KPBS | Sweet Pets Supply - […] to the nonprofit group Pets for Patriots, all military working dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense…
  8. Marine Corps Looking To Find Adoptive Homes For War Dogs | dreampet.msites.eu - […] to the nonprofit group Pets for Patriots, all military working dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense…
  9. Marine Corps Looking To Find Adoptive Homes For War Dogs | Health Treatment - […] to the nonprofit group Pets for Patriots, all military working dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense…
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Because a shelter is not a home

Long-term shelter pets available for adoption