Pets for Patriots says let freedom ride

Independence Day has come and gone, but at Pets for Patriots we think about freedom every day of the year.

For the veterans we serve our companion pet adoption program often means freedom from emotional challenges that prevent them from embracing life: Post Traumatic Stress, depression, anxiety, loneliness. A different kind of liberty awaits the dogs and cats adopted by these veterans. Freedom from near-certain death or permanent homelessness; from cruelty, abuse and neglect; freedom from a life lacking love and security.

Let freedom ride
Oliver's freedom ride

Oliver on his freedom ride after 450+ days in a shelter

Within the animal welfare community a pet’s trip from the shelter to a new home is known as the ‘freedom ride.’ Some animals adopted through our work have waited a very long time for this moment, like Oliver – whose freedom ride came after more than 450 days in a shelter. In so many ways this was his savior’s liberation as well; it marked Patrick’s initial journey to cope with Post Traumatic Stress with a battle buddy by his side.

Here are some ways we are bringing freedom home:

  • As of June 30, 2016 Pets for Patriots has made possible 1,100 freedom rides; by the time you read this that number will already be obsolete.
  • As of that same date we have disbursed $296,976 to veterans through our pet food bank program, which defrays the costs of ‘welcome home’ basics for our new adopters and gives a helping paw to those experiencing temporary financial hardship.
  • $25,000 recently contributed by an anonymous donor as a major gift to our veterinary fund, which helps veterans afford life-saving or life-extending medical care for pets adopted through Pets for Patriots.
  • $10,971 has been committed to date towards urgent and essential veterinary care through our dedicated fund, including for pets like Jazzy – who has already outlived her prognosis thanks to the generosity of donors who are contributing to her care.

    Jazzy and her Navy dad Dave

    Jazzy and her Navy dad Dave

Every day we are grateful for the many freedoms that our military veterans have made, and continue to make possible, and are honored to play a small role in making their lives more free as well. Thank you to everyone who makes our mission and work happen through actions large and small by:

Let freedom ride!


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  2. zara

    Ronald, what a beautiful testament to the power of a pet. And we think your life is a very special one, and feel blessed to have you as part of our Pets for Patriots family.asian art

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  5. bethz

    Thank you, Mary! We’re glad that we can bring you joy through sharing our adoption stories.

  6. bethz

    Ronald, what a beautiful testament to the power of a pet. And we think your life is a very special one, and feel blessed to have you as part of our Pets for Patriots family!

  7. mary

    So uplifting to look forward to these comments and stories every week. Life is good.

  8. Ronald Williams Garcia

    Magai and I am so glad we found this organization. Our freedom ride was in June 2011. I do not know if it was his or mine. All I know is I have not been hospitalized since he came. More, my dependence on medication has reduced.

    There is something wonderful about waking up every morning to someone who is happy just because I woke up.

    Thank you Pets for Patriots. You save at least, what I think a very special life, mine!!!

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