From shelter dog to neighborhood sweetheart

Erika and Gweni anniversary

Erika has been serving in the Navy for more than a decade, but still finds time to be a hero to a beautiful black Border Collie mix named Gwenivere. Just days from their one-year honorable adoption anniversary, Erika tells us how Gweni has changed both of their lives for the better. Thanks to our adoption partner Virginia Beach SPCA for helping us make this match!

Hi!  As I approach my one year anniversary with my sweet Gweni, I realized that I can’t remember if I ever sent the picture I owed you!  I’ve got a million pics of her, but about two of both of us! Erika and Gweni anniversary

She is doing great!  We’ve done full rounds of obedience training, passed our Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test, and are just the sweetest dog!

She’s become the neighborhood sweetheart.  I’m not even sure the neighbors remember my name, as all I get as we pass by are, “Hi Gweni!” and a following of kids who’ll drop everything to come love on her.  She loves playing with her doggie football in the back yard and watching the neighborhood kids play out front.

After being bitten by that dog about two weeks after I got her last October, all the obedience training and socialization training has finally paid off, and in the last two weeks she’s finally gotten to be in the active dog group at daycare, as opposed to the constantly supervised group.  In fact, she’s now so dog happy that I’m starting to see if I can find her a perfect doggy friend so they can keep company when I’m out. Unfortunately, she was so sore from playing on Tuesday that we’re headed back to the vet tonight to see if we have some arthritis going on, or if we’re hurt.  I suspect arthritis.  There was debate whether she was four or six at adoption, and I’m pretty sure she was 6 and is now 7.

We also had another small setback with a mast cell tumor on our front right leg/upper pad that put us in a cone of shame again for most of August, but she’s had it removed (yikes, vet bills!) and is now back to her happy self.  Praying the tumors leave us alone now, as this was her second in a year.

Thank you so much for all your help, she is just a fantastic companion and exactly what I needed in my life, and I like to think I was perfect for her. ~ Erika, United States Navy

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1 Comment

  1. Susan

    Wow Erika, You just roll with the punches as they say. There’s a problem, you do what needs to be done to fix it. Gweni is lucky to have you take such good care of her and this post shows how much you’ve helped her to thrive. You are awesome!

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